Understand the project structure#
Last Updated on 2024-01-29
Compared to other languages such JavaScript, Java or Rust, C++ seriously lacks built-in capabilities for defining, building and using modules. Many competing approaches exist such as Conan, vcpkg, Hunter, etc. None of them completely solves the problem and the worst part is that they often are mutually exclusive.
The choices made in the asap starter project with regard to the project layout and to how modules (internal and 3rd party) are integrated and managed do not exclude the use of package managers or lock you down to one approach or another.
The emphasis is put on a clean and extensible project layout and a build system that stays as much as possible within the commonly used things in CMake.
Software Architecture: The Module Viewtype [1]#
Decomposing a system into manageable units remains one of the most common ways to think about the structure of the system. Often, it also determines how a system’s source code is partitioned into separate parts, what kind of interfaces exist between these parts and how these parts are aggregated into larger ensembles.
In the context of asap we adopt a broad definition of the module concept as an implementation unit of software that provides a coherent unit of functionality. Because we are dealing specifically with C++ development, that implementation unit will be a set of C++ files, configuration files, static data files, etc. In addition to that,we also deal with documentation files, and various build scripts, including CMake and other tools.
Modules can be related to each others in different ways:
A is part of B: this type of relation can indicate simple aggregation, such as when a module is included into one or many others, or could indicate a more sophisticated decomposition relationship.
A depends on B: this relation can take several forms such as uses, allowed-to-use, sends-data-to, transfers-control-to, and so forth.
A is a B: this one defines a generalization relationship and in general would not impact the macro-level structure of the project. We do however use it in this starter project to define library and executable modules for which we provide generic reusable CMake build scripts that can be simply extended.
To the maximum possible extent we want to preserve and faithfully map the modules and their relations in the software architecture to the development infrastructure. Implementing a module always results in many separate files, such as those that contain the source code, files that have to be included and usually contain definitions, files that describe how to build an executable, and files that are the result of translating, or compiling, the module. Those files need to be organized so as not to lose control and integrity of the system. Configuration management techniques usually do this job: in the simplest case, a hierarchy of directories in a file system.
Assuming this starter project is used to build a simple application that reads and writes files on the local filesystem, a representation of the application architecture in a module decomposition view would look like this:
│ ASAP Application │
│ (System) │
│ ┌─────────────────────┐ ┌──────────┐ │
│ │ ├──────────────────────────► │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ logging framework │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ 3PM │ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───────────▲───────┘ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ Main │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌───────────┴───────┐ │ │ │
│ │ Application │ │ common │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ Module │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ ├──► ├───► │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ unit │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───▲───────────────┘ │ testing │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌───┴───────────────┐ │ framework│ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ ├──► other module ├───► │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ 3PM │ │
│ └─────────────────────┘ └───────────────────┘ └──────────┘ │
│ │
Composition is allowed at any depth within the structure of an asap based project. Often, it is implemented using a git submodule.
The arrow in the diagram above mainly refer to a uses relationship. Notice how the modules can be 3rd party modules (indicated with a 3PM sticker), provided by asap as reusable components or specifically made for the application.
The Unit Testing Framework is extensively used in the project but only during development. It won’t be part of the final application package for deployment for instance. Such modules exist within the project and the CMake build system can clear make the difference between the artifacts intended for use during development only vs. the ones destined for deployment.
Project Layout#
Based on the module decomposition view above, we now can look at how this translates into the hierarchy of directories forming the asap project layout.
├── <.git> I
├── <.sphinx>
├── <build>
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <.github>
├── <.husky>
├── <.vscode>
├── <doxygen> II
├── .clang-format
├── .clang-tidy
├── .commitlintrc.json
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .gitmodules
├── .runsettings
├── .versionrc.json
├── requirements.txt
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <doc> III
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <deploy> IV
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <data> V
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <templates> VI
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <common>
├── <filesystem>
├── <third_party> VII
│ ├── <fmt>
│ ├── <spdlog>
│ └── CMakeLists.txt
│ ----------------------------------------
├── <cmake>
├── CMakeLists.txt VIII
├── asap-config.cmake
│ ----------------------------------------
├── README.md
The above diagram shows a typical layout with directories and files of a startup project based on asap. The actual files and directories will of course differ from project to project based on how you customize it to add or remove things from the starting state.
The files and directories have been grouped into clusters based on their common purpose. We’ll explain what each cluster role is and what are the important directories and files it contains.
Part |
Description |
I |
Transient directories created by the various tools used during the development. Items other than the .git directory will not be present when the project is freshly cloned. The .sphinx directory holds the python virtual env used for the documentation generation. The build directory is where the cmake build will happen and all build artifacts will be located. |
II |
Various files used to configure and customize the behavior of tools used in the development. Their usage will be explained in the corresponding sections of the documentation. |
This is where all project documentation resides. The documentation system primarily uses sphinx and restructuredText but occasionally markdown files can also be used. Maintaining the project documentation is an important task which will be thoroughly explained separately. |
IV |
This directory holds data and configuration files required to build the final deployable package of the project artifacts. These packages are often operating system dependent. |
V |
This directory is intentionally present in the starter project even if no data is inside to emphasize the best practice of separating application data from code, configuration, etc… Use this place to store static data files that need to be deployed with the system. |
VI |
System wide templates used during the build to generate other files. If a template is only used within a specific module, place it within its corresponding module. |
The various modules in the system. Third party libraries are preferably placed under the third_party directory for clear demarcation of what is coming from outside the project. Sometimes, it is more natural or practical to embed the third party code directly within the source code of a system module (e.g. this is how Hedley is included inside the common module). |
The CMakeLists.txt and supported scripts which are used to build the system deployable artifacts from source code. Customization of the starter project build to suit the real project happens primarily in the CMakeLists.txt and asap-config.cmake files. All files under the cmake directory are generic reusable scripts and, in general, should not be modified. |
IX |
Various meta-information files present in each project repository. Adapt the contents as needed to suit your project, keeping in mind the CHANGELOG.md can be automatically maintained as described in this documentation. |
General Layout of a C++ source Module#
Since we are heavily using the system decomposition into modules as an architectural principle, we’ll be creating a lot of these modules and therefore we need to be consistent and efficient in how we layout the source code artifacts inside each one of them.
I have looked at so many OpenSource projects, coding standards, recommended project layouts,… for inspiration and while there is no holy grail for this problem, a few best practices have emerged:
separate test code from the module functional code. That way, it is clear which files contribute to build the module deployable artifacts vs. testing artifacts.
we’re doing C++, so we have interface files (.h) and implementation files (.cpp) and while there is no consensus on where to put them, I have found that it is much simpler and cleaner to keep them each in its own directory. With modern editors, we don’t navigate code anymore based on the file browser. We use intellisense.
inside the include directory, repeat the module name so that when we include files from this module we say #include <module/foo.h> and not <foo.h>. In coding, explicit intents are much safer than implicit intents.
in-house developed modules containing C++ code are much easier reused in their source code form than in any other form. Unfortunately C++ package managers are still far from mature. Therefore, we keep each module in its own git repository and we embed it as a submodule when reused.
building a module should be descriptive. The build logic and complexity should already be managed at the system level. We just need to describe a module to get it included in the system. That description is in the module’s CMakeLists.txt which almost does not contain any scripted logic.
each module should be properly documented. The system documentation build will ensure modules can be referred to and get integrated into the overall documentation.
With these in mind, the layout of each module looks like this:
│ .gitignore
│ .gitmodules
│ CMakeLists.txt
│ ├───common
│ │ └───traits
│ └───contracts