Get the code#
Last Updated on 2024-01-29
The asap development model supports the Fork and pull model of github projects as well as the creation of repositories from asap as a template.
A fork is a copy of a repository that you manage. Forks let you make changes to a project without affecting the original repository. You can fetch updates from or submit changes to the original repository with pull requests. This will give you total freedom to change the code after the way you want, while still keeping the option to pull updates from the original asap project or to contribute useful changes or bug fixes in the form of pull requests to the original asap project.
If you want to create a new repository from the contents of an existing repository but don’t want to merge your changes to the upstream in the future, you can duplicate the repository or, if the repository is a template, you can use the repository as a template. For more information, see “Duplicating a repository” and “Creating a repository from a template”.
1. Creating your project’s repository#
The asap project is located at
Option 1: Fork the asap project#
Follow the instructions described in the Fork a repo documentation of GitHub to fork the asap project.
Rename your fork to match your project name as early as possible in the process. Although you can do this step at any time in the future, it is recommended to do it immediately after the fork.
Follow the instructions described in Renaming a repository document from the GitHub documentation.
Option 2: Use asap as a template#
Follow the instructions described in the Creating a repository from a template documentation of GitHub to create a new repository from the asap template.
2. Clone your repo#
-j4 requests git to parallelize cloning of repos. Needs a relatively recent version of git. If that is not available, simply do not use this option.
The asap project makes use of git submodules. There is a simple way to get the project and the submodules (populated) in one step. If you pass –recurse-submodules to the git clone command, it will automatically initialize and update each submodule in the repository, including nested submodules if any of the submodules in the repository have submodules themselves. You can refer to the Git Submodules documentation for more details.
git clone --recurse-submodules -j4
If you already cloned the project and forgot –recurse-submodules, you can
combine the git submodule init and git submodule update steps by running `git
submodule update --init`
. To also initialize, fetch and checkout any nested
submodules, you can use the foolproof `git submodule update --init
3. Post-clone setup#
This step needs to be done only once after the project is cloned. It sets up the hooks and additional tools needed for commit message linting and automatic changelog generation.
Husky, commitlint and standard-version#
Only once, after the project is cloned, do the following:
npx husky install
npm install -g @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional standard-version
You may want to consider installing npm global packages in the user’s home directory to avoid permission issues. Google search how to do that :-)
Configuring a remote for the fork#
You must configure a remote that points to the upstream asap repository in Git to sync changes made in the original repository with your fork. This also allows you to sync bug fixes and enhancements you make in your fork with the original asap repository in the form of submitted pull requests.
List the current configured remote repository for your fork.
$ git remote -v > origin (fetch) > origin (push)
Specify a new remote upstream repository that will be synced with the fork.
$ git remote add upstream
Verify the new upstream repository you’ve specified for your fork.
$ git remote -v > origin (fetch) > origin (push) > upstream (fetch) > upstream (push)
If your repo is not a fork (i.e. a copy of the original asap repo), you may want, in additional to the above steps, to exclude pulling/merging tags from the upstream every time you merge changes from it.
To achieve that, configure the upstream as following:
$ git config remote.upstream.tagopt --no-tags
Initial upstream merge (Option 2 only)#
If you created your repo from the template rather than through a fork, we will need to manually sync it with the upstream so that later on we can pull updates when they are made to the upstream.
We’ll clear the changelog, then do a first merge, even though the histories are unrelated.
echo -n >
standard-version --release-as 0.1.0 --skip.commit --skip.tag
# Only keep the first 6 lines from the CHANGELOG, the rest
# is history from the upstream that we don't want in our own
# log. You can do this manually or using sed.
sed -i '7,$ d'
echo "Initial version created from the upstream [asap]( project." >>
echo "No customizations done yet." >>
git add .
git commit -m"chore: prepare for initial version 0.1.0"
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Initial release 0.1.0"
From now on, you can easily pull changes from the upstream project as documented in the Get updates chapter of this book.